RAINferral Rewards

The Ground: State of the Protocol, why we are different.
The Rain: What is RAINferral Rewards, and why now.

The Ground

While Precipitate Protocol is building at the cutting edge of emergent technologies, it is in fact, a SaaS business. More specifically, Precipitate is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) business, serving at the nexus of AI & Web3.

Furthermore, while Precipitate has started as a small company, this is simply the seed for a progressive decentralization of the core towards distribution of Governance, Ownership, & Technology.
Read more about our 3 Pillars of Decentralization here.

Precipitate is a business, not a “project”.

Unfortunately, many crypto “projects” have neither development nor product. Instead they have… a token.
And hey — while a meme for a day may be fun, we’re here for the marathon, not the sprint!

That’s why Precipitate Protocol provides real Infrastructure that individuals / enterprises can access right now.

Not “wen sir?”, “Soon”.
We’re live. Now!

A suite of Infrastucture products & services can be accessed via the Precipitate App. SaaS. IaaS.
Permissionless. Bridging Web2 & Web3. With Pure Web3 Payments.

With that said…

The Rain

Referrals are a powerful device in the “SaaS toolkit”. By leveraging the networks of incentivized partners or affiliates, word of mouth spreads widely.

Let the RAINferral Rewards begin!

Here’s the deal…

1- Create a unique affiliate link
2- Share this with your network
3- Earn 20% recurring commission when customers sign up and purchase via your link

If you know people/projects who could benefit from Precipitate Protocol products, this is for you.
If you have an audience engaged in AI / Web3 / tech, this is for you.
If you like healthy recurring commissions, this is for you.

Sign up link is here

Let it RAIN!